Monday, February 22, 2010

What I'm reading.

I want to finish these but I have a ton of college work. I only get to read these on the bus ride to work on Tuesday, Thurdays, Fridays and thats it

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Have some today all day!!!!


Sunday, February 14, 2010



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday....

Taylor Lautner
Who is now 18 and legal!

ladies get out your push-up bra's and make up did!



RIP Alexsander McQueen

RIP Alexander McQueen
you will be missed
I hope you see your Mother in heaven!

Monday, February 8, 2010

2 Leaked Pictures from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Now the first one I don't think is that new because I do recall seeing a picture like that just with Rob and Kristen in it and the rest of the meadow cut out on the sides, but the second picture IS new I love how Kristen dominating over Rob, I love that girl she seems like just a normal girl I would hang with, and Rob...well me and my friends have this theory that he's a total pervert for some weird reason. I think I came from the commentary of 'Twilight' that made us think that and also he is so not as shy as he makes himself out to be I mean geez listening to the commentary on the 'Twilight' DVD made me remember half of my guy friends and it made me laugh a lot. Mom doesn't think Rob and Kristen are together (like myself) and I think she's kinda saying Rob could do better then Kristen (which I wouldn't disagree with, I still love your Kristen but yeah idk but I'm sure you understand if you are reading this. And I'll be happy either way its your personal life I won't pry into it like some people do *cough* Robersten fans *cough*)

...Anyways these are the 2 new pictures and I will put up the trailer when it comes out (which should be soon I hope, cause New Moon is coming out March 20th but I'm getting the 19th so there :P)


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Police drove me home.

no I didn't get arested, I called them after this old man pulled up next to me asking if I was married, and well that only can mean one thing to me that if I had said no he would have been asking if I was a prototute, so I said yes I was and he kinda drove off to a parking spot and I ran quick into the 99 cent store and when I came back out he was gone I call the police and they sent a cop down. I told him the story and what the guy looked like and tried to discribe the car but all I could say was older and looked like one of their undercover cop cars. he seemed to go off that very well. he asked how I was getting home I told him I was planing to get on the bus but I didn't cause he pulled in right when the bus was leaving so yeah, he asked when the next one was coming I told him in like 30 minutes and he offered me a ride to my house, but before I got into the back of the car he had to search my purse, he literlly said "do you have any bombs on you or in your purse?" no joke but I guess thats what they have to say since 9/11. I told him no but he still had to check my purse which I was fine with and then in the back I went, then I heard the radio or mp3 was on and playing NIN "F*&K you like an animal" I don't know if thats really the name but I was like "wow get song to pick up a girl who was just hit on by an old man thing she was a whore" lol not outloud lol, I mean I love the song and all but wow. lol

so that was my day so far how is yours


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Con-nichiwa 2010 here I come!

Alright so I bought my full event ticket to Con-nichiwa on Sunday, and I can't tell you how excited I am to be going to it. It is also my first Anime Con...yeah I know sad right I'm almost 20 and this will be the first time I'm going to a con go ahead laugh get it out....*waits*....o.k. you can stop, its not that I never wanted to go its just I never had a ride or the money to get up to where one was being held. So yeah I have no idea what is going to happen what I'm going to encounter, I've put up a couple video's on my youtube saying I'm going and a lot of people have been saying they are too and that they are very exciting. The only thing I'm kinda worried about is that my ride to the con hasn't called me back with what we are going to do, driving wise and hotel wise, cause if I'm going to get my own room (which I am) I'm going to need to save up about $200 for the room. *sigh* still so much to do, gotta get in contact with my friend reserve a room get the box set of Hellsing my sister (non related at all) is sending me so Crispin Freemen can sign it. But I will put the pictures up here for everyone to see (if anyone even looks at this)

